Mais uma vez, a prova que a estupidez e o absurdo não conhecem limites.
Deixo aqui algumas pérolas de sabedoria mas que não dispensam a consulta da página de onde esta diarreia mental foi retirada.
"Choose to not kiss - At least until you are engaged to be married. Okay, this can be extremely difficult, but if you can follow this one dating tip then most of the others will happen naturally. Even kissing once you are engaged can be very dangerous. It's better to not kiss at all until your wedding day! Before you laugh and click to another page with thoughts that we must be insane, consider these points on kissing."
"A kiss begins to sexually stimulate a man instantly."
"If you aren't kissing then you won't become tempted to take things to a more intimate level. You'll be protecting yourself and the purity of your date."
"If a Christian man is kissing his date and it gives him an erection (often just the possibility of a kiss can do this), is God or his date being honored?"
"Is this healthy for the man to get sexually aroused time after time without sexual release? When men become sexually aroused a large amount of blood flows to the genitals. If ejaculation does not occur; the build up of blood can become painful. That just can't be a good thing for anyone! Ouch! :O)"
"A kiss will surely break down your barriers and leave you in a position that could ultimately devastate your relationship with your date and separate you from a close walk with God. Self-control seems to be the better option."
"Just think how magical that first kiss will be if it is saved for your wedding day!"
Aleluia, Praise The Lord!!!
Cortesia Pharyngula
quarta-feira, janeiro 09, 2008
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